Here you can find all the details of the CACM Annual Report 2020 webinar
Welcome to the official page of the CACM Annual Report 2020 webinar!
You can watch the videos of the webinar here.
During the webinar several questions arrived from the audience, the questions and answers can be found here.
All NEMO Committee organises the “CACM Annual Report 2020 Webinar” on 14 October 2021 in cooperation with ENTSO-E. This year, besides giving insights of the CACM Annual Report 2020, we are also going to hold a policy session that aims to facilitate an open discussion among panel experts and guest speakers (including high-level representatives from ACER, FSR and ENTSO-E) about the future changes of the energy market in the upcoming years
Click here for the detailed agenda of the webinar
The program starts at 10:00 CET.
For registration purposes please follow this link:
Registration is free of charge!
Click here for the invitation - SDAC part
Click here for the invitation - SIDC part
Click here for the invitation - Policy Session
Meet the guest speakers:
Christophe Gence-Creux is the Head of the Electricity Department at ACER. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Toulouse, where he used to teach Economics and Regulation. After a post-Doctorat at the Laval University in Quebec, where he continued his research on the Economic Regulation of network infrastructure industries, he worked as an Economist consultant for the World Bank for the promotion of public-private partnerships in the financing of network infrastructures in the North-African and Middle-Eastern countries (MEDA) region. From 2003 to 2011, he worked for the French Energy Regulatory Authority, CRE, where he was in charge of the market integration process with neighbouring countries, the well-functioning of the French balancing market and its opening-up to cross-border balancing trade and to the participation of demand-side response. In February 2011, he joined the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators as the Head of the Electricity Department.
Leonardo Meeus Professor at Vlerick Business School and Florence School of Regulation. LinkedIn page
Clara Poletti is Commissioner of the Italian independent Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA), Chair of the Board of Regulators of the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and ARERA delegate at the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER).
She has more than twenty years’ experience in the field. As far back as 1997, she contributed to the start-up of the Italian independent energy regulator. Since then, she has worked on the regulation of energy, water and waste management services at both national and European level.
From 2007 to 2011, she was Director of the Bocconi University research centre on energy and environment (IEFE). She was also a founding joint academic director at the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE). She is member of the Advisory Council Executive Committee of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and associate researcher of the Cambridge Energy Policy Research Group.
She is the author of numerous scientific articles. LinkedIn page
Peter Scheerer is the Vice Chair of ENTSO-E Market Committee/All TSO, Expert European Regulatory Affairs at TransnetBW. LinkedIn page
Catharina Sikow-Magny joined the European Commission in 1997 and is currently the Director responsible for Green Transition and Energy System Integration in the Directorate General for Energy. Before that, she was the Head of Unit in charge of Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition. Before that she was the Head of Unit responsible for Networks and Regional Initiatives. She has as well worked on international transport, trans-European network policy and financing, internalisation of external costs, and strategic policy research. Before joining the Commission, Catharina Sikow-Magny was a team leader and chief economist in the private sector in Finland. She has also worked for the United Nations Development Programme in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She holds a Master of Economics degree from the Aalto University, Finland.
Meet the NEMO/TSO speakers:
Stefano ALAIMO is SIDC NEMO co-Chair. He is head of Markets Department at GME, Italian Energy Exchange. Before joining GME he had a long experience in the financial markets sector.
Cosimo CAMPIDOGLIO is the Nemo Committee Technical Task Force Leader, former chair of the NEMO Committee. He’s Head of Market Monitoring, Analysis and Statistics at GME, the Italian Energy Exchange, representing GME in many EU fora related to coupling projects.
Kata FEHÉR is the NEMO Committee Reporting and Communication Task Force Leader. She is a senior market expert at HUPX, has been working with the Hungarian NEMO since 2010.
Martina GABRIEL is a member of SDAC MSD (Market System Design) group. She is a market development specialist at OTE and worked previously in consulting in France.
Rafael Gómez-Elvira GONZÁLEZ is the chair of the NEMO Committee, former NEMO co-Chair in the SDAC Joint Steering Committee. PhD in Industrial Engineering, he has more than 25 years of experience in energy regulation and currently serves the OMI Group as Director for Public Affairs & Marketing
David MYŠKA is the chair of SIDC’s Market and System Design group leading also Losses and Intraday Auctions subgroups and acting as LIP Testing coordinator. He is Senior Consultant at E-Bridge Consulting GmbH and worked previously for a TSO and regional capacity allocation office.
Miha PREGL is SDAC NEMO co-Chair with more than 10 years experience in electricity markets. He is leading Strategy, Market Development and European integration at Slovenian PX BSP Southpool.
Vladimir SATEK is SIDC NEMO ID SC Secretary and a chair of SIDC Quality Assurance & Release Management work group. He’s working as a director of Energy Competence Center & Energy Market division, in Indra Czech Republic
Jean VERSEILLE is SIDC TSO co-Chair. He’s Consultant Principal at Artelys and was previously Director for European Affairs of RTE, the French TSO, managing RTE relationship with European bodies and leading various European projects.
Chiara VITELLI is member of the NC Technical Task Force and NC Reporting and Communication Task Force. PhD in Physics, she worked in the field of energy regulation at the Italian Regulatory Authority and she currently works as Market Analyst at GME.
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