Consultation Overview
The SDAC Products Methodology concerns products and order types that can be taken into account and used when submitting sell and buy orders in the SDAC as provided for under Article 40 (1) of CACM.
As part of the 3-year long implementation project for the introduction of 15min MTU products in SDAC, NEMOs have in 2023 cooperated with Market Participants to define and finetune these products setup in SDAC. This setup was also discussed with market participants in the Market Coupling Consultative Group on 20 October 2023.
NEMOs have also received input from market participants via biennial consultation on the SDAC Products Methodology in the beginning of 2023. NEMOs are now consulting on the amendments to the SDAC Product Methodology, in accordance with Article 12 of CACM.
Information about this public consultation and relevant background documents and links are included in the Explanatory note.
A summary of the proposed amendments in the SDAC Products Methodology text is as follows:
- The ‘Whereas’ section is updated for the scoping of the proposed amendments due to he 15min MTU products activation and certain Optional Products removal and replacement.
- Rephrasing/clarification improvements of existing content and adaptation of certain terms defined for usage in the document.
- Content relevant to the acceptance/rejection criteria of demand/supply curves due to the Cross Product Matching is added in Article 3.
- Rephrasing/clarification improvements for the supported MTUs and the imbalance settlement period in accordance with the requirements set by EU Regulation 943/2019 are included in Article 4. The term “calendar day” is repaced by “delivery day” as the relevant power contracts are defined in the physical delivery day domain (uniformly in CET time for each bidding zone).
- Rephrasing/clarification improvement in the acceptance rules of Linked Block Orders. Added explicit reference on possible combinations of Linked Block and Exclusive Group Orders (Article 5).
- Re-writing of the Complex Orders (MIC/MP/Load gradient and conditions) description, their acceptance/rejection criteria, and set an ad-hoc fallback period of 6 months for their SDAC algorithm support retention (Article 5).
- Scalable Complex Orders (MIC/MP/Load gradient and conditions) description and their acceptance/rejection criteria (Article 5).
- Clarification for the PUN Orders support period, up to the go-live of the 15min MTU products and for the in-out the money rules applicable for the Merit Orders due to Cross Product Matching (Article 5).
- Included reference for commercial activation of the 15min MTU products provisions with the 15min MTU go-live date (Article 6).
- included Appendix for the list of NEMOs for which the SDAC Products methodology applied for.
Why We Are Consulting
Any amendment of CACM Terms, Conditions or Methodologies needs to be submitted for public consultation for at least one month (pursuant to art 12 of CACM) to consider stakeholder´s views on this reviewed proposal.
NEMOs welcome the feedback of the stakeholders on this public consultation. Feedback on the aforementioned proposals under Public Consultation could be sent to the following contact details.
Results of the public consultation:
Consultation report
Feedback received:
Energy Traders Europe