Consultation Overview
The Methodology concerning the price coupling algorithm, continuous trading matching algorithm, intraday auction algorithm (provided under relevant CACM articles, hereinafter Algorithm Methodology - AM) was approved by ACER decision No 04/2020 (hereinafter the “Decision”). On November 2022 NEMOs received a request from ACER for proposing, in accordance with relevant set of requirements of 17 June 2022, amendments to the SDAC AM related to Co-optimisation. This public consultation proposes such amendments of the NEMOs to the Annexes of this Decision prepared in cooperation with the TSOs.
These Co-optimization proposals reflect the work already performed in cooperation with the TSOs. Extensive R&D is still required for a fully-fledged proposal to be transposed in the Single Day-Ahead Coupling AM (SDAC AM), including requirements and Co-optimisation balancing products that have to be defined taking also into consideration the stakeholders’ feedback.
Information about this public consultation and relevant background documents and links are included in the Explanatory note.
A summary of the proposed amendments in the AM text and its Annexes related to Co-optimisation is as follows:
- Reference to the Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB Regulation) legislation in the ‘Whereas’ and in the definition of the Scope of the AM (Main body, Whereas).
- The High-level requirements of the SDAC algorithm due to Co-optimisation reflecting the main elements of Co-optimisation (Main body, Article 4A).
- Principles for the Balancing Capacity Market (BCM) order types as for SDAC order types when it comes to Corrective Measures (Main body, Article 12A).
- Additional indicators following co-optimisation are added to Algorithm Monitoring Methodology (Annex 3).
- Timeline for R&D on co-optimisation and implementation of a fully-fledged methodology (Main body, Article 4A).
In addition to the above amendments for co-optimisation, NEMOs at the same time also proposing some amendments that are not related to co-optimisation as follows:
- Addition of indicators to Algorithm Monitoring Methodology, for monitoring the usage of Scalable Complex Orders (Annex 3).
- Changes due to Intraday Auctions (IDAs):
- Clarification regarding Scheduled Exchanges (Main body, Article 6.2).
- Partial coupling requirement (Annex 2).
Why We Are Consulting
Any amendment of CACM Terms, Conditions or Methodologies needs to be submitted for public consultation for at least one month (pursuant to art 12 of CACM) to consider stakeholder´s views on this reviewed proposal.
NEMOs welcome the feedback of the stakeholders on this public consultation. Feedback on the aforementioned proposals under Public Consultation could be sent to the following contact details.
Audience: Market Participants, TSOs and NRAs
Interests: CACM related to SDAC and SIDC
Results of the consultation
Please read the letter to stakeholders here.
Feedbacks listed:
All TSO position